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Zawartość dodana przez DEAN

  1. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    spoko. jak skoncze to bedzie. mialem ciezkie czasy ostatnio + całkowicie skasowałem auto i troche poleżalem w szpitalu ale zaledwie 6 punkotow karnych :}
  2. programik do zmiany klobow miedzy ligami(grywalnymi i nie) idealny dla wrzucenia do grywalnej ligi klubu z nizszej klasy rozgrywkowej i uaktualninia spadkow i awansow zainstalowac w folderze z gra TeamSwap.exe
  3. jak tylko sie uporam ze swoimi sprawami to pomoge dopracowac, oczywsice na dean update tez mozecie liczyc, za ok tydzien bedem ial troche wolnego czasu mam nadzieje pamietajcie ze jesli zaczynacie gre w 2008 to musice ustawic jako aktualnego mistrzostwa swiata druzyne francji , jesli bedzie jakas inan np włochy wtedy mamy 2 włoskie reprezentacje w eleminacjach i rozgrywki reprezentacyjne sie zawiesza. co do deev gratulajce, dobra robota. ps. jakbyś dał rade cofnac lige finska do stanu oryginalnego latwiej byloby mi poprawic błąd.
  4. samouczek preczytaj, jak nie znasz jezyka znajdz w necie translator tam jest wszystko tylko kazdy chce gotowca, zwyklym edytorem nic nie da sie zamienic tak na marginesie :}
  5. deev no wlasnie o to pytam- remake jakiej wersji , to duzzo mowi o zawartosci bo o ile polska lige zrobiles pewnei ok to zastnawiam sie jak jest np z grecka, klubami z czech, ukrainy albo danii na przykład zamiane lig moge ci zrobic, bede mial czas po 16stym wrzesnia bo nei dosc ze delegacja to jeszcze obrona magisterki teraz na głowie. czyli:tak, moge na tym co tu opublikowales zrobic ligi jakei tylk ochcesz oczywiscie w miejsce innych przemysl jakie ligi chcialbys meic a jakie usunac
  6. jak pozamieniac masz w temacie samouczek
  7. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    zwiekszyłem, aktualizacje robie codzinnie, problem w tym ze mam terz setki nowych olskich pilkarzykow z nizszych ligi jak nie ustawie im prarametrow dokladnei to polowa z nich prosto z Czarnych Zagan pojedzie na zgrupowanei kadry na razie macie update kolegi z innego topiku
  8. deev, mógłbys pokrótce opisać co tam jest? npangielska championship aktualna? poslak ekstraklasa? no i na kiedy sa dastowane zmiany tzn do jakiego dnia auatualniałes, sprawdze tak czy owak korzystales z jakiesj bazy danych czy oryginalnej? bo jsli z oryginalnej to albo zrobiles wszystkie transfery w europie ktore mialy miesce od 2001 roku albo masz mase czeterdziestolatów w klubach :} niemniej podziwam i ciesze sie ze ktos sie za to wział polska lige moge zamienic z jakas inna, grecka podobnie ps. no i najwazniejsze: jest tapani patch, oraz zozoa additional 2? bo jak nei to nawet nie gram w to
  9. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    wtedy jak sie skoncze jal ige belgijska w oryginale oraz w opcji drugiej jak włoska - obie opcje beda dostepne zostało mniej niż połowa, moglbym opublikowac juz terz ale wielu byłoby niezadowolonych , wiec wole dopracowac wszystko perfekcyjnie np umiejetnosci wszystkich !!!!! 3 ligowych polskich kopaczy tzn po reformie juz 2 ligowych
  10. Vitaliss -- nie chce mi sie tłumaczyć, moze ktos z was zrobiłby to dla kolegow zmiana druzyn: otwierasz edytor: w folderze z gra: data- tools - plik z edit. cos tam z koncowka exe,szukasz ligi, znaznaczasz klub ktory chesz wywali c z ligi dajesz swap , widzisz wtedy liste wszystkich klubow wpisujesz klub ktory chcesz dodac i zapisujesz albo posciej: sciagasz plik team swap - jest na pcozatku w mojej instrukcji ,isntalujesz i tam juz intuicyjnei bedziesz wiedział co robic, uwaga wszystko po angielsku trzeba jezyk troche znac krzysiek79 --usunac europejskie puchary -- nie da sie mozne je zmarginalizowac dajac i mw zwyklym edytorze najnizsze reptuacje 1 lub 2 w okeinku international games, reputation czy jakos tak podobnie mozna zrobic z reputacja lig, reprezentacji, klubow mozna te rogrywki po prostu olac beda tam graly jakeis smeiszne klubiki z a lower division z edytora i tyle
  11. jw. bedę tu wrzucał wszystko co mi przyjdzie do głowy na ten temat i co znajde w sieci. mozecie tu pisac pytania, wymianiac sie wiedza itd. w temacie Dean update piszemy terz tylko i moich updejtach: na dobry początek: jak dodawać drużyny B - przyda sie np do mojego updaeju dawnego na bazie ligi portugalskiej-(znikjacy zawodnicy itd) autor" Zozoa ( Tutorial:How to add B team -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important:It is possible to add B teams only to teams from leagues who have already B teams (Spain,Germany,Portugal). Therefore you can't add B teams to English\Italian\French\Dutch\... teams. Reminder:Make sure the B team you want to add is exist in the database. Both primary & B team should be in the database. 1.Download XVI32 hex editor:;/ 2.Open XVI32 3.Press File->Open 4.Select cm0102.exe which is located in the MAIN CM folder. 5.Wait until it finished loading 6.Press ctrl+F in order to start a search 7.Type "Benfica" 8.Make sure the "Case sensitive" box is unmarked. 9.Press Enter. 10.Benfica appears 4 times in the cm0102.exe file: -The B team name with underline instead of spaces -The primary team name with underline instead of spaces -The B team name without underline -The primary team name without underline 11.Change the Benfica primary&B teams names to yours primary&B teams full names as they appear in the database. 12.Remember to keep the underlines instead of spaces where needed. 13.If your primary&B teams names are shorter than Benfica's,insert 00 values instead of the extra letters. You can do it in the left box(the box which is full in numbers) 14.If your primary&B teams names are longer then Benfica's then edit your teams names or look for team who has B team and a longer name. 15.After you changed the names press File->Save 16.Overwrite the cm0102.exe file 17.Start a new game so the changes will take effect (it won't affect previous saved games). How to edit players restriction If you want to create a league patch or just want to change the league's player restriction here is the guide for you: I will explain how to do it for the english leagues,but the principal is the same for all leagues. 1.Download olly debugger: 2.Open olly 3.Press F3 4.Select the cm0102.exe file which is located in the MAIN CM folder. 5.Wait until it finishes the analysis. 6.Left mouse click on the bottom box 7.Press ctrl+b in order to open the search box: 8.Type "england_rules" and press Enter. 9.Scroll a bit upwards and search for the "E:\dev\CM3\cm3 00-01\cm3\code\transfer\england_rules.cpp" line. 10.left mouse click on the "E"(:\...) 11.Press ctrl+R 12.Double click on the line 13.Scroll down a bit in the top box and look for this paragraph 14.Double click on the "MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+5],3" line This is the line who determines the player restrictions for the english leagues. The "EDX+5" means that it is a non-eu restriction. There is few options here: EDX-foreign restriction (like in croatia) EDX+1-no player restrictions (like in Italy) EDX+5-non eu restriction (like in england) The "3" value means the max players from this kind allowed if you want unlimited non-eu allowed change the 3 to 12(12 means 18 in hexadecimal). Remember:the values are in hexadecimal numbers. Here is an explanation about hexadecimal numbers: 15.Change the line value as you wish 16.Right mouse click on this line->"copy to executable"->"all modifications"->"copy all" 17.A small window has been opened 18.Right mouse click on some line in this small window->"save file" 19.Overwrite the cm0102.exe file 20.Confirm the overwrite. 21.Close olly 22.Start a new game in order the changes take effect (it won't affect earlier save games Najawazniejszy poradnik: jak zamieniać ligi, spadki, awanse, liczbe gier w sezonie, klubów w lidze itd League Replacement Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New league replacement guide,should be easier than the previous one. In this guide I will replace the Danish league with the Israeli league as example,but the principles are the same for any league replacement. Tools needed: Club Swap Mass Swap Names Editor V2 Olly debugger Official Editor Before starting: It is recommended to backup the database files after each step in case you will make a mistake. You need to backup the following files: All the *.dat files in the data folder - 20 files euro.cfg (located in the data folder) player_setup.cfg (located in the data folder) weather.cfg (located in the data folder) cm0102.exe (located in the main folder) I recommend you to add them to new ZIP or RAR archive. Step 1 - Deciding which league to replace First of all you need to decide which playable league has the closest structure to the league you want to insert. The league you replace should be from the same continent because of the clubs competitions. For example,if you will replace the Danish league with the Chinese league then the Chinese club will take part in the Champions League,UEFA Cup and the Intertoto Cup. You don't need to consider the following: player restrictions number of subs number of fixtures/rounds/promotion/relegation. You do need to consider the following: number of teams in each division - you can't add teams but you can drop teams whether the division is split to sections or not - you can't merge or split divisions. The 3 top Israeli divisions aren't split to sections and contains 12 teams each,from the 4th division and on the division is split to 2 or more sections. Therefore,considering all parameters I decided to replace the Israeli league with the Danish league and not with the Croatian league,for example,because the Danish league has 3 divisions with no sections split while the Croatian Second Division is split to 2 sections Step 2 - Check we have enough clubs 1.Open Olly debugger. 2.Select cm0102.exe 3.Wait until it finishes analyzing it. 4.Click somewhere in the bottom box 5.Press ctrl+b and a search box will be opened 6.Type "code\comp\cups\" and press Enter 7.check what comes after "code\comp\cups\",it needs to be the national cup name. For example,the line for the Danish Cup will be:"code\comp\cups\den_cup.cpp" For the French Cup it will be:"code\comp\cups\fra_cup.cpp" 7.Use ctrl+L to go over all findings until you will find the requested line. 8.Scroll up a bit until you find the start of the line,the start should be:"E:\dev\cm3\" 9.Click on the "E" letter 10.Press ctrl+R 11.A new windows will be opened with list of references. 12.Double click on the 5th reference line. 13.Scroll up a bit until you see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],5C",5C is an hexadecimal value(equal to 92) that represents the number of team requested by the cup in order to take place,therefore if you will have less than 92 Israeli teams then the Cup won't take place. 14.Close Olly. 15.Open the official editor 16.Filter the clubs list by nation(Israel in this case) and check you have at least 92 Israeli clubs,if not then add more Israeli clubs. 17.Close the editor (no need to save). Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 5th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],number of teams" Step 3 - Swap players,non-players,cities,referees nationalities Download the Mass Swap tool and put it in the data folder(otherwise it won't run) Run it and when it says "Enter first nation ID" insert -1 and press Enter. Now you will have a file called nation.txt in the data folder. The file contains list of the nations in the database and their IDs. Search for the 2 requested nations,in this case Denmark and Israel. Denmark ID is 53 and Israel ID is 94. Now run it again and insert the nations IDs. Now open the official editor and validate the database. Save and close the editor. If needed - Adding clubs to fill gaps in divisions Explanation:If you will need to lower the number of team in some division then you will have to put in the division some lower league clubs in order to ensure the cup will take place. For example,for the Israeli leagues I need to lower the number of teams in the Danish Second & Third divisions from 16 to 12,therefore I need to insert 4 lower league Israeli clubs in each division. 1.Open the official editor. 2.Create the requested clubs. 3.Validate the database. 4.Save the database. 5.Close the editor. Important:don't add anymore clubs after this step otherwise the "fill gaps" clubs could appear in the division. Step 4 - Swapping clubs 1.Open the official editor. 2.Swap the Israeli clubs with the Danish ones in the Danish divisions by using the swap button in the club competition screen Swap also the "fill gaps" teams if needed. Don't forget to swap the teams in the nation's lower division if it exists,not all the playable nations have their own lower division (Denmark,for example,doesn't have,but France do - "French Lower Division"). 3.Validate the database. 4.Save the database. 5.Close the editor. Step 5 - Swap clubs nationalities 1.Open club swap 2.Select the 2 requested nations 3.Press the "Swap!" button 4.Close it. 5.Open the official editor 6.Validate the database 7.Save and close. If you want - Tapanify the database If you want you can tapanify the database by running cmdbtapanify which you can find in any tapanified update file we have in the download section Step 6 - Change leagues,cups and awards names Use the Names Editor V2 in order to do it easily. Step 7 - Swap Nations 1.Open the official editor 2.Save a picture of each of the 4 sections(details,stats,coefficients,preferences) of the 2 requested nations. swap the info from the 4 sections between the nations manually. 4.Save the database and exit. 5.Use the Names Editor V2 to swap the nations names. Only if the nations are European: 6.Go to the data folder. 7.Open euro.cfg 8.Search for the nations names and change it manually in order to make sure the right teams will take part in the european competitions. Attention:The following steps difficulty is higher and you might get lost. Change number of teams 1.Open Olly debugger. 2.Select cm0102.exe 3.Wait until it finishes analyzing it. 4.Click somewhere in the bottom box 5.Press ctrl+b and a search box will be opened 6.Type "code\comp\leagues\" and press Enter 7.check what comes after "code\comp\leagues\",it needs to be the division name. For example,the line for the Danish Premier Division will be:"code\comp\leagues\den_prm.cpp" For the Danish First Division it will be:"code\comp\leagues\den_fir.cpp" For the French First Division it will be:"code\comp\leagues\fra_fir.cpp" 7.Use ctrl+L to go over all findings until you will find the requested line. 8.Scroll up a bit until you find the start of the line,the start should be:"E:\dev\cm3\" 9.Click on the "E" letter 10.Press ctrl+R 11.A new windows will be opened with list of references. 12.Double click on the 7th reference line. 13.Scroll up a bit until you will see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],0C",it is the line which determines how many teams will be in the league. The number is represented by an hexadecimal value. 0C equal 12,in the Danish First & Second Divisions the value will be 10(equal to 16),and we will change it to 0C(12),because we need only 12 teams in each division. 14.Change the value 15.Do the same for the other divisions. 16.After you finish doing it for all divisions right click on some line you have changed->copy to executable->all modifications->copy all->right click on some line in the new opened window->save file->select the cm0102.exe and overwrite it. 17.Close olly. Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 7th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],number of teams" Change number of fixtures 1.Go again to the references list 2.Double click on the 6th reference line. 3.The fixtures reference will be followed by a lot of "Push 0\1\2\some number" commands under it. 4.Scroll up a bit until you will see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],1E",it is the line which determines how many fixtures will be. 5.Change the value 6.Do the same for the other divisions. 7.After you finish doing it for all divisions right click on some line you have changed->copy to executable->all modifications->copy all->right click on some line in the new opened window->save file->select the cm0102.exe and overwrite it. 8.Close olly. Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 6th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],number of fixtures" Increase number of fixtures If you want to increase the number of fixtures you will have to use other league fixtures,a league that has at least the number of fixtures you need for your league. For example,I need to increase the fixtures in the Danish First Division from 1E(30) to 21(33),therefore I will use the Danish Premier League fixtures(has 33 fixtures),but I can also use the English Premier League fixtures(has 38) for instance. 1.Go to the other league fixtures reference (in our case we will go to the Danish Premier League fixture reference) 2.Look for the closest JNZ command above the reference line 3.Copy this line to somewhere 4.Look for the "Push value" command above the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line 5.Copy this line also 6.Go to the fixture reference line of the league we want to increase its fixtures. 7.Replace the "Push value" command above the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line with the one you have copied before. 8.Change of course the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line,if you haven't done it already 9.Click once on the "JNZ" command above the reference line 10.Press Enter 11.It will move the grey line a bit down. 12.Replace the grey line with JNZ command you have copied before,but change the JNZ to JMP and remove the SHORT. For example,if the line you have copied was:"JNZ SHORT 00551A6B",change it to:"JMP 00551A6B" 13.Save the changes 14.Close Olly Change number of rounds The original Danish First&Second Divisions format is 16 teams with 30 fixtures which means 2 rounds. But we want it to be 12 teams with 33 fixtures which means 3 rounds. We have already changed the number of teams and fixtures,now we will have to change the number of rounds. 1.Go to the number of teams reference block 2.Scroll down a bit until you will see this kind of commands block. 3.The line that determines the number of rounds is the grey one:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],CX" CX is a variant that contain some value(in this case it contains the value 2) We can't edit this line and put 3 instead of CX because it will overwrite the next line and we aren't allowed to do it. We can't either change the value CX gets above("MOV ECX,2") because it may affect other things like number of subs or number of points for winning a game Therefore we will have move all the following lines 1 step down. 4.Mark all this block in grey using Shift+key down 5.Right-click somewhere on the grey block->copy->to file 6.Now change the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],CX" to "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],3" 7.Copy the the following lines as they are in the file you have created Note:when copying the lines it may give the message:"unknown identifier",in this case you just need to add 0 before the variant name. For example,if the line you want to copy is:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+AB],AX",write it as "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+0AB],AX" 8.Save the changes 9.Close olly Change number of subs in leagues: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+49],value" - this line determines how many players you can register as subs 3.Change it as you like Attention:If the line doesn't have numeric value but use a variant like in the rounds line,than you will have to do the same trick again and move all the following lines one step down. But make sure you don't overwrite the next block. 4.Search the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4A],value" - this line determines how many players you can actually sub during the game(most of the times it is 3). 5.Change it as you like Same attention applies here 6.Save the changes 7.Close olly Change number of subs in cup: 1.Go to the 1st reference line in the cup references list 2.Scroll up a bit until you see the block start (should start with:"Push -1") 2.Look down for the same lines as the league subs lines 3.Change it as you like 4.Save the changes 5.Close olly Note:Sometimes these lines won't appear. Change number of promotions and relegations: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search for the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+BE],value" - this line determines how many promotions will be from this league 3.Change it as you like Same attention as in the subs applies here 4.Search for the line:MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C1],value" - this line determines how many relegations will be from this league Same attention as in the subs applies here 5.Save changes 6.Close olly Note:Remember that you have to set the same value for relegation from league A to league B and for promotions from league B to league A. Change number of points for wins and draws: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search for the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C3],value" - points for draw. 3.Change it as you like Same attention as in the subs applies here 4.Search for the line:MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C2],value" - points for win. Same attention as in the subs applies here 5.Save changes 6.Close olly Zamiana lig, spadki, awanse, liczba meczów, klubów w ligach itd In this guide I will replace the Danish league with the Israeli league as example,but the principles are the same for any league replacement. Tools needed: Club Swap Mass Swap Names Editor V2 Olly debugger Official Editor Before starting: It is recommended to backup the database files after each step in case you will make a mistake. You need to backup the following files: All the *.dat files in the data folder - 20 files euro.cfg (located in the data folder) player_setup.cfg (located in the data folder) weather.cfg (located in the data folder) cm0102.exe (located in the main folder) I recommend you to add them to new ZIP or RAR archive. Step 1 - Deciding which league to replace First of all you need to decide which playable league has the closest structure to the league you want to insert. The league you replace should be from the same continent because of the clubs competitions. For example,if you will replace the Danish league with the Chinese league then the Chinese club will take part in the Champions League,UEFA Cup and the Intertoto Cup. You don't need to consider the following: player restrictions number of subs number of fixtures/rounds/promotion/relegation. You do need to consider the following: number of teams in each division - you can't add teams but you can drop teams whether the division is split to sections or not - you can't merge or split divisions. The 3 top Israeli divisions aren't split to sections and contains 12 teams each,from the 4th division and on the division is split to 2 or more sections. Therefore,considering all parameters I decided to replace the Israeli league with the Danish league and not with the Croatian league,for example,because the Danish league has 3 divisions with no sections split while the Croatian Second Division is split to 2 sections Step 2 - Check we have enough clubs 1.Open Olly debugger. 2.Select cm0102.exe 3.Wait until it finishes analyzing it. 4.Click somewhere in the bottom box 5.Press ctrl+b and a search box will be opened 6.Type "code\comp\cups\" and press Enter 7.check what comes after "code\comp\cups\",it needs to be the national cup name. For example,the line for the Danish Cup will be:"code\comp\cups\den_cup.cpp" For the French Cup it will be:"code\comp\cups\fra_cup.cpp" 7.Use ctrl+L to go over all findings until you will find the requested line. 8.Scroll up a bit until you find the start of the line,the start should be:"E:\dev\cm3\" 9.Click on the "E" letter 10.Press ctrl+R 11.A new windows will be opened with list of references. 12.Double click on the 5th reference line. 13.Scroll up a bit until you see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],5C",5C is an hexadecimal value(equal to 92) that represents the number of team requested by the cup in order to take place,therefore if you will have less than 92 Israeli teams then the Cup won't take place. 14.Close Olly. 15.Open the official editor 16.Filter the clubs list by nation(Israel in this case) and check you have at least 92 Israeli clubs,if not then add more Israeli clubs. 17.Close the editor (no need to save). Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 5th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],number of teams" Step 3 - Swap players,non-players,cities,referees nationalities Download the Mass Swap tool and put it in the data folder(otherwise it won't run) Run it and when it says "Enter first nation ID" insert -1 and press Enter.Now you will have a file called nation.txt in the data folder. The file contains list of the nations in the database and their IDs. Search for the 2 requested nations,in this case Denmark and Israel. Denmark ID is 53 and Israel ID is 94. Now run it again and insert the nations IDs. Now open the official editor and validate the database. Save and close the editor. If needed - Adding clubs to fill gaps in divisions Explanation:If you will need to lower the number of team in some division then you will have to put in the division some lower league clubs in order to ensure the cup will take place. For example,for the Israeli leagues I need to lower the number of teams in the Danish Second & Third divisions from 16 to 12,therefore I need to insert 4 lower league Israeli clubs in each division. 1.Open the official editor. 2.Create the requested clubs. 3.Validate the database. 4.Save the database. 5.Close the editor. Important:don't add anymore clubs after this step otherwise the "fill gaps" clubs could appear in the division. Step 4 - Swapping clubs 1.Open the official editor. 2.Swap the Israeli clubs with the Danish ones in the Danish divisions by using the swap button in the club competition screen Swap also the "fill gaps" teams if needed. Don't forget to swap the teams in the nation's lower division if it exists,not all the playable nations have their own lower division (Denmark,for example,doesn't have,but France do - "French Lower Division"). 3.Validate the database. 4.Save the database. 5.Close the editor. Step 5 - Swap clubs nationalities 1.Open club swap 2.Select the 2 requested nations 3.Press the "Swap!" button 4.Close it. 5.Open the official editor 6.Validate the database 7.Save and close. If you want - Tapanify the database If you want you can tapanify the database by running cmdbtapanify which you can find in any tapanified update file we have in the download section Step 6 - Change leagues,cups and awards names Use the Names Editor V2 in order to do it easily. Step 7 - Swap Nations 1.Open the official editor 2.Save a picture of each of the 4 sections(details,stats,coefficients,preferences) of the 2 requested nations. swap the info from the 4 sections between the nations manually. 4.Save the database and exit. 5.Use the Names Editor V2 to swap the nations names. Only if the nations are European: 6.Go to the data folder. 7.Open euro.cfg 8.Search for the nations names and change it manually in order to make sure the right teams will take part in the european competitions. Attention:The following steps difficulty is higher and you might get lost. Change number of teams 1.Open Olly debugger. 2.Select cm0102.exe 3.Wait until it finishes analyzing it. 4.Click somewhere in the bottom box 5.Press ctrl+b and a search box will be opened 6.Type "code\comp\leagues\" and press Enter 7.check what comes after "code\comp\leagues\",it needs to be the division name. For example,the line for the Danish Premier Division will be:"code\comp\leagues\den_prm.cpp" For the Danish First Division it will be:"code\comp\leagues\den_fir.cpp" For the French First Division it will be:"code\comp\leagues\fra_fir.cpp" 7.Use ctrl+L to go over all findings until you will find the requested line. 8.Scroll up a bit until you find the start of the line,the start should be:"E:\dev\cm3\" 9.Click on the "E" letter 10.Press ctrl+R 11.A new windows will be opened with list of references. 12.Double click on the 7th reference line. 13.Scroll up a bit until you will see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],0C",it is the line which determines how many teams will be in the league. The number is represented by an hexadecimal value. 0C equal 12,in the Danish First & Second Divisions the value will be 10(equal to 16),and we will change it to 0C(12),because we need only 12 teams in each division. 14.Change the value 15.Do the same for the other divisions. 16.After you finish doing it for all divisions right click on some line you have changed->copy to executable->all modifications->copy all->right click on some line in the new opened window->save file->select the cm0102.exe and overwrite it. 17.Close olly. Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 7th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3E],number of teams" Change number of fixtures 1.Go again to the references list 2.Double click on the 6th reference line. 3.The fixtures reference will be followed by a lot of "Push 0\1\2\some number" commands under it. 4.Scroll up a bit until you will see the line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],1E",it is the line which determines how many fixtures will be. 5.Change the value 6.Do the same for the other divisions. 7.After you finish doing it for all divisions right click on some line you have changed->copy to executable->all modifications->copy all->right click on some line in the new opened window->save file->select the cm0102.exe and overwrite it. 8.Close olly. Note:Sometimes the this line won't be in the 6th reference but in other one,in this case just go over all the references and look for this kind of line:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],number of fixtures" Increase number of fixtures If you want to increase the number of fixtures you will have to use other league fixtures,a league that has at least the number of fixtures you need for your league. For example,I need to increase the fixtures in the Danish First Division from 1E(30) to 21(33),therefore I will use the Danish Premier League fixtures(has 33 fixtures),but I can also use the English Premier League fixtures(has 38) for instance. 1.Go to the other league fixtures reference (in our case we will go to the Danish Premier League fixture reference) 2.Look for the closest JNZ command above the reference line 3.Copy this line to somewhere 4.Look for the "Push value" command above the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line 5.Copy this line also 6.Go to the fixture reference line of the league we want to increase its fixtures. 7.Replace the "Push value" command above the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line with the one you have copied before. 8.Change of course the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[EAX],value" line,if you haven't done it already 9.Click once on the "JNZ" command above the reference line 10.Press Enter 11.It will move the grey line a bit down. 12.Replace the grey line with JNZ command you have copied before,but change the JNZ to JMP and remove the SHORT. For example,if the line you have copied was:"JNZ SHORT 00551A6B",change it to:"JMP 00551A6B" 13.Save the changes 14.Close Olly Change number of rounds The original Danish First&Second Divisions format is 16 teams with 30 fixtures which means 2 rounds. But we want it to be 12 teams with 33 fixtures which means 3 rounds. We have already changed the number of teams and fixtures,now we will have to change the number of rounds. 1.Go to the number of teams reference block 2.Scroll down a bit until you will see this kind of commands block. 3.The line that determines the number of rounds is the grey one:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],CX" CX is a variant that contain some value(in this case it contains the value 2) We can't edit this line and put 3 instead of CX because it will overwrite the next line and we aren't allowed to do it. We can't either change the value CX gets above("MOV ECX,2") because it may affect other things like number of subs or number of points for winning a game Therefore we will have move all the following lines 1 step down. 4.Mark all this block in grey using Shift+key down 5.Right-click somewhere on the grey block->copy->to file 6.Now change the "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],CX" to "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C],3" 7.Copy the the following lines as they are in the file you have created Note:when copying the lines it may give the message:"unknown identifier",in this case you just need to add 0 before the variant name. For example,if the line you want to copy is:"MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+AB],AX",write it as "MOV WORD PTR DS:[ESI+0AB],AX" 8.Save the changes 9.Close olly Change number of subs in leagues: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+49],value" - this line determines how many players you can register as subs 3.Change it as you like Attention:If the line doesn't have numeric value but use a variant like in the rounds line,than you will have to do the same trick again and move all the following lines one step down. But make sure you don't overwrite the next block. 4.Search the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4A],value" - this line determines how many players you can actually sub during the game(most of the times it is 3). 5.Change it as you like Same attention applies here 6.Save the changes 7.Close olly Change number of subs in cup: 1.Go to the 1st reference line in the cup references list 2.Scroll up a bit until you see the block start (should start with:"Push -1") 2.Look down for the same lines as the league subs lines 3.Change it as you like 4.Save the changes 5.Close olly Note:Sometimes these lines won't appear. Change number of promotions and relegations: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search for the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+BE],value" - this line determines how many promotions will be from this league 3.Change it as you like Same attention as in the subs applies here 4.Search for the line:MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C1],value" - this line determines how many relegations will be from this league Same attention as in the subs applies here 5.Save changes 6.Close olly Note:Remember that you have to set the same value for relegation from league A to league B and for promotions from league B to league A. Change number of points for wins and draws: 1.Go again to the number of rounds block 2.Search for the line:"MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C3],value" - points for draw. 3.Change it as you like Same attention as in the subs applies here 4.Search for the line:MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+C2],value" - points for win. Same attention as in the subs applies here 5.Save changes 6.Close olly Znoszoenie ograniczen dla obcokrajowców: 1.Download olly debugger: 2.Open olly 3.Press F3 4.Select the cm0102.exe file which is located in the MAIN CM folder. 5.Wait until it finishes the analysis. 6.Left mouse click on the bottom box 7.Press ctrl+b in order to open the search box: 8.Type "england_rules" and press Enter. 9.Scroll a bit upwards and search for the "E:\dev\CM3\cm3 00-01\cm3\code\transfer\england_rules.cpp" line 10.left mouse click on the "E"(:\...) 11.Press ctrl+R 12.Double click on the line: 13.Scroll down a bit in the top box and look for this paragraph 14.Double click on the "MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+5],3" line This is the line who determines the player restrictions for the english leagues. The "EDX+5" means that it is a non-eu restriction. There is few options here: EDX-foreign restriction (like in croatia) EDX+1-no player restrictions (like in Italy) EDX+5-non eu restriction (like in england) The "3" value means the max players from this kind allowed if you want unlimited non-eu allowed change the 3 to 12(12 means 18 in hexadecimal). Remember:the values are in hexadecimal numbers. Here is an explanation about hexadecimal numbers: 15.Change the line value as you wish 16.Right mouse click on this line->"copy to executable"->"all modifications"->"copy all" 17.A small window has been opened 18.Right mouse click on some line in this small window->"save file 19.Overwrite the cm0102.exe file 20.Confirm the overwrite. 21.Close olly 22.Start a new game in order the changes take effect (it won't affect earlier save games). List od usera w sprawie utworzenia superligi:, pozwoliłem sobie go upublicznić, taki mały dział FAQ: 1. czy mozliwe jest zmienianie ilosci druzyn w ligach, dopisywanie lig i zmiana obowiazujacych w nich zasad (awanse spadki ilosc zatrudnianych cudzoziemcow, kasa z transmisji tv, kasa za wygranie ligi itp. tak, wszystko w poradnikach zozo'y oprócz kwestii kasy -ta jest uzeleżniona od preputacji ligi, klubu, kraju i paramterów okreslajacych prezesa :} 2. czy jak z bazy danych gry usunie sie druzyne to zawodnicy beda dostepni z free transfer? czy i oni znikna z gry? dajesz wszystkich z takiej druzyny na free transfer, potem sztaby szkoleniowy, prezesów, potem czyscisz stadiony itd, na koncu usuwasz klub 3. co twoim zdaniem jest latwiejsze utworzenie jednej wielkiej euroligi czy podzial na europy na dywizje hmmm geograficzne i awans do elity w stylu champions league na jeden sezon? jedyne co mozna zrobic to zrobic eurolige na bazie juz istniejacej ligi: najlepiej angielska, potem włoska ma tzn hard coded puchar krajowy, hiszpanska ale trzeba pokombinować z limitami obcokrajowców 4. czy usuwajac kraj (grywalna lige co stanie sie z zakladka uefa coefficients? nic, zniknie . nie mozeszusunac grywalnej ligi mozesz ja tylko ozastapic europe chcialbym podzielic na 5 grup i te stanowilyby w grze grywalne ligi: 1 grupa: portugalia, hiszpania, francja 2 grupa: islandia, wielka brytania, irlandia, norwegia, szwecja, dania, finlandia 3 grupa: wlochy niemcy szwajcaria, austria holandia belgia 4 grupa: polska czechy slowacja litwa lotwa estonia kraje balkanskie 5 grupa: rosja wegry bialorus ukraina moldawia rumunia bulgaria grecja turcja i panstwa kaukazu grupy chcialbym podzielic na ligi, klasycznie, ekstraklasa np 20 zespolow czy 12 w zaleznosci od atrakcyjnosci zespolow gdzie obowiazywalyby zasady spadkow i awansow wg lokalnych ustanowien. w kazdej z grup utworzyc odpowiednia ilosc lig w zaleznosci od sily druzyn z poszczegolnych panstw.... czyli nadpisanie na obecna premier league np grupy 1szej, bo tam obsada bedzie imponujaca... czy trzeciej w zaleznosci od sily grupy do glownego pucharu awansowalyby odpowiednie ilosci druzyn... ambitne zadanie. musisz cos zrobic z pozostałymi grywalnymi ligami, łatwiej bedzie wybrac anglie i na na niej stworzyc superlige twój pomysł ciekawy ale i pracochłonny .
  12. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    myśle ze namiary na moja firme każdy zna:} jest dosc znana hehe otwieram osobny temat z poradami jak samemu zrobic patche, updajty itd,
  13. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    krzysiek79 -- służe pomoca, daje błogosławieństwo , kiedy kiedy kiedy bedzie? jak złapie troche wolnego czasu - pretensje do prezesa mojej firmy na adres domowy prosze :}
  14. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    wersja belgiijskaczyli -sam zobacz jak beliga wyglada w oryginale :}, bedzie najbrdziej dopracowan itd tzw taśma matka, czyli full aktualizacja itd tutaj dodam też extra klubiki wersja włoska czyli ekstraklasa, 1,2,3 liga grywalne bedzie jakby polem do posiu dla tych co lubia nizsze ligi, aktualizacja na pcozatek lipca, stworzeone ligi i kluby- sklady juz tylko do pewnego stopnia w nziszych ligach. kazdy bedzie mogl sobie sam dopracowac detale ktorych jest mnostwo. to beda jakby dwa patche osobne ale: jesli np grasz na belgijskiej i zrobisz save to spokonie go sobie zostawiasz instalujesz wersje wloska i tworzysz nowy save np w nowej 4 lidze pl. po czym znow mozesz zainstalowac patch z belgijska wersjai grac na pierwszym sajwie. czyli nic nie tracisz a nakładac zakładki z belgijskai włoska mozna na przemian bez konca byleby dokładnie. dlaczego właska niedopracowana? po prostu brak czasu.powolutku bede tu zmaiszczał nez mały poradnik do samodzielnego budowania składów lig itd
  15. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    U mnie też liga polska jest mocno spłaszczona, żeby nie powiedzieć że wypukła nie tam gdzie trzeba. O ile w pierwszym sezonie mistrza zdobył Lech, a druga była Legia, to następny poskutkował mistrzostwem Polonii (i nieprzyzwoicie przypakowanych Daniela Mąki i Ireneusza Kowalskiego - najlepszego lewego skrzydłowego w Polsce). a zobacz paramatry obu w eydtorze jak wyglądają na początku gry, tzn przed załadowniem jakiejkolwiek Teraz na półmetku prowadzi Lechia Gdańsk (6 punktów przewagi) z różnymi wynalazkami typu Krzysztof "asysta na mecz" Lipecki. to samo Dalej mamy GKS Katowice, który wydaje średnio 2,5 miliona Euro rocznie na transfery, które pewnie dostał od Mikołaja. W ogóle liczba transferów i sumy, jakie kluby wydają na zawodników, są niedorzeczne. Każdy klub stać na wydanie pół miliona euro, żeby kupić np takiego Takeshure Chinyamę, a czasem zwykłego średniaczka. ŁKS kupuje zawodników z Murcii i Strasbourga za łączną sumę 1,5 mln Euro, Lechia Gdańsk płaci 1,1 mln Euro za Danny'ego Szatelę, by sprzedać go za 975k do Polonii Warszawa. Do Legii z Szachtara przychodzi Gai za 1,6 mln Euro, chociaż nawet na polskie warunki to nie jest zawodnik jakiś wybitny. Esbjerg inkasuje 1,2 bańki od Lecha Poznań za Franka Hansena, a Radoslav Kovac przychodzi do Wisły za okrągły melon. Ale to nic, bo Damian "średnia ponad 8" Zdolski nie idzie z Arki za granicę, lecz do spadkowicza Górnika Zabrze za... 1,2 miliona Euro. Jednak to nie on jest rekordzistą, bo Bogdan Madej (jakkolwiek zajebisty by nie był - pewnie regen jakiegoś Krzynówka) wart był dla GKSu Katowice 2mln Euro. I na dodatek było ich stać! Cracovia zrobiła dobry interes. O tym, że polskie kluby są zbyt przepakowane finansowo, niech świadczy fakt, że na 16 klubów ekstraklasy 6 ma finanse Secure, a reszta OK. Znajdą się i bogate kluby w I lidze, a biednych jakoś nie ma - utopia. do tej pory każdy mówił że mam zaniżone budżety, po kilkunastu testach nie zauważyłem czegos takiego, wprost przeciwnie, ktos tu juz pisał ze z 1 ligi co najwyzej do Okocimskiego odchodzą, mozesz mi podac reputacje i finanse klubow o ktorych piszesz? z edytora oczywiscie Ja rozumiem, że w gazetach typu Przegląd Sportowy pojawiają się budżety na poziomie ziliarda milionów, ale to przede wszystkim plny są, a dodatkowo koszty utrzymania prawdziwego klubu są większe, niż w CMie, więc należy przykręcić kurek nie czytam PS wogole gazet nie czytam:} a jak sie okaże ze rzeczywiscie jest tak zle to zmien sobie ustawienia i po sprawie, w czym problem
  16. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    "tapani patch" wpisz w goglach, chodzi o ten z nr 10
  17. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    jak zrobiłeś to że sezon zaczynasz od 2008/2009 bez błędów i wywalania z gry-- sciagnlem nowy patcher tapaniego tzn stary ale z inengo zrodla i samo poszlo alei tak u mnei zaczynac sie bedzie od 2007 bo syf sie robi z elimnacjami narodowymi
  18. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    premiera się opozni do ostatnich dni sierpnia tym razem nie z mojej winy ale ze względu na zamieszanie na scenie FMP :}no chyba ze przlicytuje ich konkurencja oglaszam przetarg :} ps. nie ma tego złego --zawsze im pozniej tym lepszy update,moze wk oncu dopracuje 4 lige w minimalnym chociaz stopniu
  19. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    1. miales pecha u mnie po2 sezonach brozki ok wisla zreszta też, moze problem w parametrach trenerów albo prezesów? zobacze. wejdz do edytora --data- tools --popraw klubom reputacje o ok 1, max 2 punkty powinno pomoc, 2.nie mam szans na dokładne wpisania poszczególnych parametrów, wyznaczam tylko ramki od- do, min.sportsmanship, ca, pa ,główny atrybut na więcej nei bedę miał czasu raczej nigdy. 3. Ashley ma CA 95 ale PA już 135 wieć zalezy kto go trenuje i gdzie, niemniej poprawiłem brozek ma ca 120 pa 134, sobol 123 -126 moim zdaniem w sam raz. a co do posiomu najlepszych klubów ekstraklasy to wszyscy tak macie? czekam na opinie
  20. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    abedi przeczytaj po prostu ten topic Ludvik - ten szybki koleś to regen, nie mam go w bazie danych
  21. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    Radzymno bedzie w lowe division, edytorem przerzucisz klub do dowlnej ligi jade na krotki urlop potem tydzien pracy nad update, jesli nic sie nie zmieni koło 10 sierpnia bedzie w sieci
  22. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    gieksa zrobiona, bylem w sobote na meczu takze podpatrzylem troche ustawienie i pozycje
  23. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    poprosze jakies linki oprocz biezanowiaki bo mieszkalem kiedys na biezanowie nowym :}
  24. DEAN

    [CM 01/02] DEAN Update

    uwaga dzieciaczki!!! retro update coraz bliżej. stąd bonus. czekam na zgłoszenia waszych ulubionych klubów z niższych lig, które chcielibyście mieć w grze w pełnych składach itd. 1,2,3 liga zrobione ale zawsze mozna klub ze swojej wiochy przerzucić do grywalnej 3 ligi dlatego do 10 siepnia realizuje wasze marzenia :}
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